First in our occasional series of The Band Maiden web-comic.
I'd love to be able to direct-link this to the site where I created it, gnomz but the site has its challenges so its very difficult to make it behave. However, in the spirit of Creative Commons I've included the link to their main page so you can go play with it yourself.
Since its Good Friday and I don't know how whether blogging is karmically acceptable, I'll make this brief...it looks like (crossing fingers, toes and bits of me which ought not cross) we have a reasonably talented, ego-manageable lead guitarist who's just moved north from the hippy capital of NSW, Byron Bay. He plays good. He isn't over-keen to take over and make a tool of himself, and he likes the playlist. Lee likes his style and has invited him to the full-rehearsal on Monday.
We shall see.