The adventures of an accidental band manager.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

We had a great P.A. system....yesterday


One of the most expensive and troublesome pieces of equipment a gigging band needs is a P.A. Because they're so expensive they're usually bought in pieces, often by different members of the band. That makes them a major hassle if personnel changes because the band has invariably made rules around the P.A. like:

  • If the band breaks up we sell the P.A. and split the cash; or
  • If someone wants to leave, someone in the band will buy the pieces of the P.A. that the this person owns; or
  • We own the P.A. in common, so either you owe us, or we owe you $xxx.
Trouble is, no one has the cash, or someone's become attached to some equipment, or the breakup was so acrimonious that the pieces of the P.A. disappear and are never seen again, or.....and because the P.A. is the band's 'shout' you end up with a severe case of musical lanyngitis.

We have a whole, working P.A. courtesy of the drummer's lengthy musical career. Sorry. Had.
Earlier this week someone with a lot of smarts waited until he was in full-drummer mode and then offered him a pittance for the whole setup. He was drumming alone. The band was elsewhere. Drummers don't need P.A.'s. He took the pittance and closed the deal. The equipment was out and away before you could shout, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


It didn't occur to him until the next day that this might have been a bit of a silly thing to do. Not, in fact, until he was talking to the Boss of Bass on the phone.

....anyone got a spare $3,000 for a musically-disabled rock band?

link | posted by Lee Dalton Kear at 3/26/2005 08:10:00 PM |


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