A Day Late and a Dollar Short...
What a wonderful world.
We split the business today between us - me to the government office which pays me to pretend I'm happy - the bass boss to parenting duties with the stricken Teen Groove Goddess. TGG was in a swoon and had to be taken home from her office and plied with medicines, teas, swaddling and head-strokes. She and the bass boss spent a pleasant afternoon watching a Lord of the Rings DVD and generally bonding.
I, on the other hand, spent the day hosing down another near-riot at work and writing a pile of bureacratic clap-trap to justify the salaries of people who deserve to be knighted, not sacked. Other than that, fine thanks.
The new guitarist may be a very, very short term solution. About as short as his short-term memory, actually. Silly me - he's spend the last umpteen years living in Byron Bay, a few miles down the road from Australia's marijuana-capital - Nimbin. The place is kinda fabulous really. You can buy bags of heads right outside the rainbow-painted pub while police cars cruise up and down the main street, oblivious. Trouble is, this makes for some very relaxed and well-pickled people who can gone on living in a half-cut trance for years at a time (with maybe the odd day off, for Christmas or visits to the dole office.)
Bass Boss went to rehearse at his squalid little West End flat and found he hadn't actually looked at any of the guitar tabs yet. He also found it was important to keep his sentences short and on just one topic. Otherwise the guitarist would get a sort of goofy, spaced-out grin on his face and ask him to repeat himself, again and again and again.
SO...instead of putting up notices for a drummer, we're putting up notices for a guitarist AND a drummer...no point wasting time.