The adventures of an accidental band manager.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

And now a brief pause for reflection...

Funny old world.
Various strange individuals have contacted the Bass Boss to ask if he'd like to join them to work on a few "creative projects", which is musician-speak for "I can't afford to pay you."

Bass Boss is a generous-hearted individual who likes lending his creative energies to helping others. I just wish the pay was better.

Meanwhile, many of the household guitars are getting the benefits of his down-time. Things have been buffed to a high shine, or restrung, or had their pots and pickups broken (shot while trying to escape). He's having a wonderful time.

It also means more time to just play music. Wait. Think of it! Just p.l.a.y.i.n.g. for the gosh-darned love of the thing. Wowee zowie batman, that sure feels good!

I'm also enjoying the sound of his original songs again - they're very good- just like bought ones - and its great to hear the original licks getting a practice and polish.

I, on the other hand, continue to attend Alcatraz-on-the-River (my office) where yet another of the senior staff threw in the towel today and resigned. He's going to the Northern Territory to rediscover his inner-caveman, or something. Anyway, he's given the whole management group a ripe raspberry and is planning to go down swinging and spitting and swearing and stomping...which might be rather entertaining.

link | posted by Lee Dalton Kear at 4/05/2005 03:01:00 AM |


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