The adventures of an accidental band manager.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I'm sorry constable, you're not our kind of guitarist...

...and with it another attempt at a real rehearsal.

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody.....Bass Boss is currently watching his team get drubbed. TGG is at the movies with a few of her chick-flick mates, hoping to scream their tits off at the late night screening of "The Ring 2". I'm listening to the radio, thinking about aboriginal reconciliation (I do think about things other than the band ya' know) and eating rum and raisin chocolate.

So, where were we? The Yarpie guitarist seems to be on the team. He's talented, and has a background in sound engineering which might be useful. He's not the warmest human being, but he may improve with time. the wierd South African accent makes me squirm, but that's just a sign of my middle-class liberal values.

On a more idiotic note, we auditioned a cop this week.

Constable Andy said he thought he'd be just the think for our punk-chic style of rockn'roll. He turned up, smelling of cheap aftershave and suspicion - shorthaired and well-mannered in a creepy kind of way.We'd checked the house VERY carefully beforehand to make sure there was nothing which might remotely catch officer-Andy's eye and nodded sagely as we watched his eyes flick around the rooms in search of whatever it is coppers search for.

Then he began to play. Well, yes, OK, the 1950s senditions of The Shadows greatest hits probably go over well at the Police youth Club BBQ, but for us, not so much. Bass Boss knew from the first chords that it wasn't going to work, but he was temporarily struck dumb by the conundrum of how to sack a policeman without incurring his emnity. However, when the officer dissed his bass amp (tinny, he said) we knew it was just a matter of time before he FOUND the right words and the plod was sent on his way.

We've made a pact now not to audition anyone who cannot easily be bidden, "farewell and fuck off", no matter how desparate we are for musicians.

Meantime we've wangled a sit-in drummer for Sunday and found a decent studio which looks clean, has decent air conditioning, a P.A., mikes and no stairs...and is surprisingly inexpensive. I'm wondering what might be wrong with it. Watch this space.

link | posted by Lee Dalton Kear at 4/16/2005 03:09:00 AM |


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