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Sunday, April 24, 2005
What? and give up showbiz?
Long ago and far away now, but at the time.. A guitarist friend of mine asked me to join his band after their bass player left with only two weeks before a 'battle of the bands' gig. The singer is a bit of a prima donna (but mostly a cab driver with delusions of adequacy). Comes the day we go to the Queanbeyan Leagues Club - think Shriners of Baltimore - and do the sound check at 3.00pm.
Then we head home to spruce up before the 9.30 slot. At least, most of us do. The singer, a Jimmy Barnes fan (think Joe Cocker crossed with Ian Dury) stays at the venue soaking up the rock'n'roll lifestyle and drinking his way through a bottle of scotch.
When we get there he's a little strange but we're too busy with gear and nerves to notice much. Our time comes, on we go. We start with Roxanne by the Police, and get through it OK. He's a little extraverted but he remembers the words. We start our next number and, flushed with success from the first song, he cuts loose, twirling the mike stand wildly and then tripping over it, yowling all the while.
Luckily his forward progress is arrested when he put his right foot squarely into a foldback wedge. He heaves his leg back, throwing the speaker across the stage and then steps straight into thin air dropping five feet off the stage. He bobs up in the crowd, blood streaming from a gash to the head and singing to several girls. He's feeling no pain, and doesn't notice the girls dancing away as fast as they can.
Meanwhile.. the guitarist and I wander forward, still playing, and have a quiet chat:
"Is he with you?"
"Never seen him before."
"They'll let anyone in these days.."
"Oughta be a law."
A soundtech runs from the desk to the stage:
"One more song then you can F**K OFF."
Great days. I can still see him crumpled in a stairwell, farting, snoring, and burbling quietly to himself "Mate, Maaaaaaate, Jeez maaate, we was robbed.. maaate..."
What, and give up showbiz?
link | posted by Lee Dalton Kear at 4/24/2005 05:59:00 PM |

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commented at 1:58 PM~
1, vainly: Very well, thank you; and you? I think I must have been undone already.. The little one as the genital--to be run over as a symbol of sexual intercourse (another dream of the same agoraphobic patient).. In general, however, I am of the opinion that unfulfilled wishes of the day are insufficient to produce a dream in adults.. He paused, and to his surprise her listless company face lit up with an adorable smile. Eventually he recognized them more readily than I.. And why? He knew, gentlemen, he was about to confront a profound--aye! a sacred responsibility! Those hymn-books and holy writings handed to the jury were not , as his Honor surmised, for the purpose of enabling the jury to indulge in--er--preliminary choral exercise! He might, indeed, say alas not! They were the damning, incontrovertible proofs of the perfidy of the defendant.. I'd like to see my mother make a fuss about my calling on the girls! growled Abner, glad to let his rage take a safe direction. Oh, sir! how could you? Indeed, sir.. You here? What's the news in the country? How's your health? How's crops? Jest mod'rate, Mr.. But my fatal eyes, behind the glasses, followed and entered with him, and saw that the chamber was a chapel.. He's talked mighty fine to me and Marann, answered Mrs.. Gideon stretched out a broad hand and touched her head lightly; and with a tiny gasp her fingers stole up to his.. He would never be afraid again.. It is possibly my fault that I have failed, oratorically, to convey to the gentlemen of the jury the full force and significance of the defendant's signals.. Stay where you are, and I'll have you in a dry suit of clothes in less than fifteen minutes.. Watkinson's children were of that uncomfortable species who never go to bed; at least never without all manner of resistance.. We'll ask for Miss Champe Claiborne.. The girl cast her mischievous eyes towards her companions, who snickered again.. But magicians sometimes suffer severely from the malice with which they have themselves inspired their familiars.. She took Dennis in training all that afternoon, instructed him in fashionable conversation, cautioned him against the temptations of the supper-table--and at nine in the evening he drove us all down in the carryall...
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